Hi …

Before I get into this week’s main share and Q&A video, I have a BIG announcement to make.

Many people spoke …

And I listened …

In survey I did recently, I asked people who showed interest in The Ultimate Key To Freedom Experience but did not enroll, what the #1 reason was for not enrolling.

The #1 reason was “money issues.”

I therefore shifted how The Ultimate Key To Freedom Online Experience is offered, broke the Experience into 3 separate Editions, including a new Edition at a greatly reduced expression of appreciation in the form of money. 

If you already know about The Ultimate Key To Freedom Online and you just want to know about the 3 Editions, visit here:


If you don’t know what The Ultimate Freedom Teachings are all about, I just created an awesome new video training series to explain it all here:


OK …

On to the main share for this week …

Here’s another question I got from Marie (but get often) …

“Do I have to consciously know about and resolve/heal ALL my blocks, fears, stuff, patterns, wounds, karma, etc. … before I can make the leap into Phase 3 and Ultimate Freedom?”

The answer is “No!”

But there is one caveat …

One P.S. to that …

To hear more about this topic, and discover what the caveat and P.S. are, click on the image below to watch my latest Q&A Video:

Inspiring Quote Of The Week

” Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.”
– Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Laureate (1893-1986)

Don’t Know The Difference Between The Phase 2 And Phase 3 Teachings?

Check out this video:


New Blog Posts

Checked out my blog recently? Lots going on there these days.

You can even subscribe and get automatic updates of new posts if you want:


Until we connect again next Friday, as always, I wish you an ever expanding Experience of Truth!


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P.S. If anyone you know (a friend, colleague or client) could benefit from what I shared here, please forward this email to them.

P.P.S. Click on one or all the images below to connect with me in other ways:

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