Cause and effect.

That's how life works …


In science and even with spiritual teachings …



The Truth about it?

Yes and no …

True but not True.

There is "cause and effect," in a way …

But there isn't "cause and effect," in another way that's assumed to be true …

And it's VERY important that you become aware of the full story about it.

To find out, click on the image below:


Important Announcements

There are still a small number of seats available for the next LIVE Ultimate Key To Freedom Intensive at my home …

But lately, they seem to go really fast because there are so few seats.

Details are here if you want to join us and make sure you lock down a seat before they're all gone:


Truthful Quote Of The Week

"You're just a toaster trying to understand electricity."

– Kerry Breitbart, in conversation


Until we connect again next Friday, as always, I wish you an ever expanding Experience of Truth!

BTW: If anyone you know (friend, colleague or client) could benefit from what I shared here, please forward this email to them.


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