I'm writing to let you know about a change to future Friday Awakening Newsletters.

Since July, I've sent out one issue every week on Fridays.

While I was on vacation last week, I changed my mind about sending them out that often.

As my story is unfolding with Ultimate Freedom Awake in my story, the preference that appears is to be scheduled as little as possible …

To do things in a free flow, when I feel moved to, versus feeling rushed or "obligated."

Therefore …

Starting today, I'll send out issues …

On Fridays still …

But when I feel moved to.

And the frequency will vary.

Stay tuned …

I didn't do a full issue for this week, due to being on vacation, but I have an important announcement and a quote to share with you …

Important Announcement

If you're new to the Phase 2/Busting Loose Teachings I share, or your experience of them is only a Busting Loose book …

And you want to go deeper into those Teachings with my help …

Check out my brand new Journey To The Infinite Gold Experience.

I designed it as an "inexpensive" way to get your feel wet …

Or go beyond what's possible with just a book …

Through a multimedia experience of the Phase 2/Busting Loose Teachings.

I recently took the "old" Journey To The Infinite Online Experience I used to offer, doubled the content from 12+ hours to 26+ hours, and packaged it at a very low expression of appreciation.

To find out more and/or enroll, click on the link below that describes you situation:

I'm New To The Phase 2/Busting Loose Teachings

I've Only Read A Busting Loose Book

Truthful Quote Of The Week

"How do I bring about this direct experience? Anything you do as doer is like watering weeds in order to kill them."

– Wu Hsin

Until we connect again next, as always, I wish you an ever expanding Experience of Truth!


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