Have you tried to produce specific results in your life …

Failed to do so …

And you were then told you had some sort of limiting or sabotaging belief in your subconscious mind that was blocking you?

Or you were told that something about the way your brain is wired was blocking you?

If your answer is “Yes!” …

Have you ever wondered why that is?

Ever wondered why there would be blocks like that buried deeply inside you?

I’m not talking about the psychological or scientific explanations for it, which are plentiful …

I’m talking about what’s behind those explanations …

The Real and True Reason we all have hidden blocks like that …

I’m talking about what absolutely MUST happen first …

Before those blocks can be permanently removed.

I’m talking about what absolutely MUST happen first …

Before your life can be Truly Transformed as a result.

In a brand new audio I just created for you, I take a brutally honest look at this fascinating topic.

I truly believe this audio is one you will not want to miss!

It could help you change so many things …

Boom …

Just like that!

You can listen on my blog here 

(scroll down to where you see the audio)


The Ultimate Freedom Blueprint Webinar Training (No “Cost” For This)

Through this new video webinar training, offered at no “cost” to you, discover the 7 steps you must take if you want to EXPERIENCE True Transformation and live the life you REALLY want (versus the life you only think you want to live). I will be available to answer any questions you may have as you go through the training.

Details And Registration


Truthful Quote Of The Week

“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. That’s why they call it ‘the present.'”

– Unknown

To experience every day of your life as a gift, not just understand it is, check out this video series.


Back Issues

To access all the back issues of The Friday Awakening, visit this page on my website:



Until we connect again, as always, I wish you an ever expanding Experience of Truth!

BTW: If anyone you know (friend, colleague or client) could benefit from what I shared here, please forward this email to them.


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