Ever wished a Magical Mentor or Master had taken you under their wing as an Apprentice …

Helped you See and Experience Truth and develop amazing skills and abilities?

Or, did you ever wish you could actually go to Hogwarts or an ancient Mystery School to Experience the same kind of thing?

I did …

And in this week's video, I share what actually ended up happening to me …

And how it might happen to you too …

And/or how my Experience can benefit you, if your journey is different from mine.

Click on the link below to get immediate access to a video, audio and transcript:

Magical Mentor Or School



How To Become Forever Free From Stress And Negativity

Are you tired of feeling lousy so much of the time … emotionally?

Are you tired of fighting with or trying to manage, stop, reduce or eliminate …

Stress, anger, fear, anxiety, frustration, depression, or other “negative” emotions with different names?

Are you tired of looking for relief that never comes …

Or experiencing relief that only comes temporarily from a pill, other substance, or technique?

Are you tired of seeing how "negative" emotions affect your relationships …

And/or your performance at work …

And/or other aspects of your life?

If your answer to any of those questions is "Yes!" …

Here's how to become Forever Free From Negativity:



Truthful Quote Of The Week

"Do not come to Wu-Hsin so that your questions may be answered. Do so in order that your answers may be questioned."

– Wu-Hsin, ancient Chinese Master


Until we connect again, as always, I wish you an ever expanding Experience of Truth!

BTW: If anyone you know (friend, colleague or client) could benefit from what I shared here, please forward this email to them.


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