Hi …

Most personal development and spiritual development systems say the same thing:

“First, decide what you want. Then use X technique to get, attract or manifest it.”

Well …

I’ve gotta question for you …

Are you sure …

Absolutely sure …

That you know …

That you’re actually crystal clear on …

What would REALLY be best for you …

What would REALLY make you happy …

What would TRULY be deeply fulfilling for you?

You probably think the answer is “Yes!” …

But what if the Truthful answer is “No!”?

Click on the image below to discover more on this topic, including what to do about it in daily life:

Truthful Quote Of The Week

“What is seeking other than an illusory desire, on the part of an illusory individual, to achieve an illusory goal?”
– Wu Hsin (my favorite ancient Chinese Master)

How Your Life Can Change And Transform When Ultimate Freedom Awakens …

Curious how your life can change and Transform when Ultimate Freedom Awakens in your story?

Check out this new video training series that reveals a lot:

Video Training Series

Until we connect again next Friday, as always, I wish you an ever expanding Experience of Truth!

BTW: If anyone you know (friend, colleague or client) could benefit from what I shared here, please forward this email to them.


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