For most of my adult life …

Until Ultimate Freedom Awakened

I was a very analytical person.

I tried to think my way …

Understand my way …

Analyze my way …

Idea and concept my way …

Through …

And to …


Thinking, understanding, analyzing, ideas and concepts are valuable for some things …

And for achieving some goals …

But …

While they’re a good starting point …

They’re pretty much worthless when it comes to actually Experiencing Truth, Phase 3 and Ultimate Freedom.

It took me a long time to see that …

To See …

That when it comes to Truth, Phase 3 and Ultimate Freedom …

Something must cause understanding, thinking, ideas and concepts to drop down to actual Experience.

It’s Experience and only Experience that can work the magic.

Click on the link below to discover more on this topic …

And look over my shoulder as I answer a subscriber question about this in the latest issue of Friday Q&A’s:

Tell Me More


Important Announcements

Seats are now available for the next LIVE Ultimate Key To Freedom Intensive at my home.

Details are here:


Truthful Quote Of The Week

“The fact that you existed before you learned the language that became your thoughts helps to reveal the difference between your true self and the impostor.”

– The Most Direct Means To Eternal Bliss


Until we connect again next Friday, as always, I wish you an ever expanding Experience of Truth!

BTW: If anyone you know (friend, colleague or client) could benefit from what I shared here, please forward this email to them.


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