Radically Different Approach Helps You Stop
Hitting Dead Ends On Your Quest For Inner Peace,
Answers, Abundance, Freedom, And
Living Your Dream Life
Hitting Dead Ends On Your Quest For Inner Peace,
Answers, Abundance, Freedom, And
Living Your Dream Life
An experience unlike anything you’ve had before changes you as you go through it. No techniques or repetitive practices are needed.
Radically Different Approach Helps You Stop
Hitting Dead Ends On Your Quest For Inner Peace,
Answers, Abundance, Freedom, And
Living Your Dream Life
Hitting Dead Ends On Your Quest For Inner Peace,
Answers, Abundance, Freedom, And
Living Your Dream Life
An experience unlike anything you’ve had before changes you as you go through it. No techniques or repetitive practices are needed.
As Featured In:

“The best thing about Robert’s teachings is that they are truly transformational, not just theoretical. There are no formulas to memorize; no mantras to repeat. By the end of a course, the learner is really changed.”
— Lisa Gwin3 Steps To Living Your TRUE Dream Life
Discover the TRUE cause, at the deepest level, of what happens to you every day (it’s not what you’ve been taught).
Isolate and permanently remove what has secretly been blocking your progress at the deepest level.
Watch as the changes made at the deepest level ripple up and out to transform your life in ways nothing else has.
BTW: The 3 steps above have NOTHING to do with your subconscious mind, brain, beliefs, goals, intentions, energy, vibration, or the other things you’ve been taught.
“For 30+ years, I spent tens of thousands of dollars seeking the Truth of who I Am. Nothing worked. I was led to Robert and my life was forever changed. His are the BEST courses I have ever taken.”
— Kathy WallerDiscover how the Ultimate Freedom
Experience has transformed the lives of
tens of thousands of people worldwide
What Makes The Ultimate Freedom Experience
So Different?
You’re still feeling blocked; still experiencing struggle, suffering, and pain; still confused about why you’re not getting what you want; and you’re still not living a life that’s as fun, joyful, abundant, and fulfilling as you hunger for.
There are 4 reasons for that, which I discuss in detail in the FREE Video Masterclass available on this site.
There’s a hidden story you’ve never been told. There’s a Deeper Level to “The Game Of Life” you can Experience.
BTW: The hidden story and Deeper Level have NOTHING to do with your subconscious mind, brain, beliefs, mindset, goals, intentions, energy, vibration, or the other things you’ve been taught.
The Ultimate Freedom Experience reveals The Hidden Story and takes you to The Deeper Level.
When that happens, an extraordinary shift takes place within you at the deepest level. Your blocks dissolve. Struggle, suffering, and emotional pain vanish forever. And the Experience I call “Ultimate Freedom” Awakens.
I call it “a renegade method for mental, emotional and spiritual health.”
No thinking, analysis, tools, techniques, repetitive practices, or to-do lists are needed.
An experience, unlike anything you’ve had before, changes you as you go through it, and empowers you to live your TRUE Dream Life (as opposed to the fake Dream Life most people seek)
You can have that experience now!
BTW: If you found your way here after reading one of my Busting Loose books, what I’m talking about here is what I discovered and experienced after applying what’s in the books myself for many, many years!
Hi, I’m Robert Scheinfeld. I understand how difficult and painful it is to live a blocked life. That was my experience for most of my life. Then I made a discovery no one else was talking about, a discovery that changed everything.
I know there are things you want in your life. You’ve tried technique after technique, hoping for a breakthrough, but you’re still stuck.
The problem is, something is blocking you, but you don’t know what it is, so you keep hitting dead ends, and feeling more and more frustrated, angry, and hopeless.
As a New York Times bestselling author, speaker, and coach, I’ve had the opportunity to help hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world uncover and remove what secretly blocks them most.
You can stop being blocked and getting caught in dead-end cycles. You can be permanently free from struggle, suffering, fear, worry, anxiety, and other negativity. You can begin experiencing your life at the deepest and purest levels of freedom, abundance, fulfillment, TRUE happiness and Inner Peace instead.
And you can do it without thinking, analysis, tools, techniques, repetitive practices, or to-do lists.
You have an experience, unlike anything you’ve had before. It changes you as you go through it, and empowers you to live your TRUE Dream Life (as opposed to the fake Dream Life most people seek).
You can have that experience now!
BTW: If you found your way here after reading one of my Busting Loose books, what I’m talking about here is what I discovered and experienced after applying what’s in the books myself for many, many years!