The 5 Appendixes From
The Ultimate Key To Happiness
For Audiobook Listeners


Appendix A: The Big Why

At various points in the book, I asserted:

• There’s a reason The Mind Machine was created to operate as it does.
• There’s a reason the operation of The Mind Machine can be modified to allow True Happiness to be Experienced.
• There’s an Author who has been “writing” your story all along and will continue to write it, with specific objectives in mind.

If you want to know about “The Big Why” behind those statements, I created a special document for you to read.

You can download it here:



Appendix B: Glossary Of Terms

(In Alphabetical Order)

A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.

The label used to describe anything that appears in Inner Space or Story Space – person, place, thing, thought, emotion, sensation, etc.

Deep Sleep
The label used to describe a state of consciousness where nothing appears in Inner Space or Story Space and The Mind Machine doesn’t engage.

Dream Space
The label used to describe the “space” in which dreams appear to take place. Dream Space is a subset of Inner Space.

The label used to describe the movement and frequency of energy in Inner Space.

Experience with a capital “E” or underlined “E” refers to an Experience of Truth, an Experience of “What’s Really Happening,” versus lies, illusions, and stories created by The Mind Machine about What’s Really Happening.

A synonym for emotion.

Frequency Of Energy
A label used to describe part of what makes each emotion appear unique.

One specific frequency that the movement of energy in Inner Space gets tuned to.

Human Story or Human Game
The label used to describe all aspects of what is commonly called The Human Experience.

Inner Space
A label used to describe the vast space that appears to be inside of us, separate from Story Space, in which thoughts, emotions, and sensations appear.

A label used to describe thoughts kicked into Inner Space by The Mind Machine that tell a story of duality and polarity – good and bad, right and wrong, better and worse, positive and negative, etc.

Judgmental Stories
The stories The Mind Machine tells about the pure, raw experiences it observes in Inner Space and Story Space.

Knowing with a capital “K” is a label used to describe an Experience that involves perceiving or being aware of something from the perspective of Truth, from the perspective of What’s Really Happening, versus the lies, illusions, and stories kicked out by The Mind Machine about What’s Really Happening. Knowing goes way beyond what’s commonly called “understanding.”

Words that are used to describe appearances in Inner Space or Story Space. They are never what they point to. They simply point to something and attempt to describe it for practical purposes in conversation and communication. Examples: anger and frustration for emotions; chair, car, and mountain for objects; hair, eyes, and nose for a body, etc.

Lies, Illusions, and Stories
Another label used to describe the output of The Mind Machine, the stories it bonds to pure, raw experience..

Movement Of Energy
A Truthful definition of what an emotion really is.

Words that are used to describe appearances in Inner Space or Story Space. They are never what they point to. They simply point to something and attempt to describe it for practical purposes in conversation and communication. Examples: anger and frustration for emotions; chair, car, and mountain for objects; hair, eyes, and nose for a body, etc.

see (with a lowercase “s”)
The label used to describe what you see with your eyes, or what is seen through the distorted lens of lies, illusions, and stories.

A label used to describe perceiving fully from the perspective of Truth, from “What’s Really Happening,” versus the lies, illusions and stories about What’s Happening kicked out by The Mind Machine. Seeing goes way beyond seeing with the eyes or understanding something.

A label used to describe appearances in Inner Space related to the body.

Story Space
The place where people, places, things, and your own body appear to be. It’s called “Story” Space because of the metaphor of your life being a story just like you see in written works of fiction, TV shows, movies, plays, and video games.

The Mind Machine
A label used to describe the mechanism through which appearances in Inner Space and Story space are separated, described, named and judged.

The Red Pill
A 24-week experience that supports the deployment and acceleration of The Truth Virus and takes you into the True Happiness Experience and beyond.

An appearance in Inner Space that that tells a story in the shape of words, still photographs, videos, sounds, or voices.

True Happiness
A label used to describe experiencing the movements and frequencies of emotional energy without names, labels, descriptions, judgments, or cause-and-effect stories.

A label used to point to and describe What’s Really Happening in Inner Space, Story Space, and behind the scenes that’s The Source of everything we are and experience.



Appendix C: Give Others A Great Gift

If you resonated with what you read here, and most importantly, if you’re Seeing The Truth of what was shared, please give the gift of this book by spreading the word to other people you know and care about.

To do that, you can:

1. Send Them Directly To Amazon …

Book On Amazon

3. Send Them To Their Favorite Bookstore …

To buy physical copies of the book.

4. Gift A Copy Of The Book To Others …

To friends, family, loved ones, even business associates.

5. Spread The Word And Share Through Your Social Media Accounts …

Link to the preceding websites on your Facebook, Twitter, and/or other social network pages.

What better gift can you give someone you care about than the gift of being Truly Happy, all the time, no matter what’s going on?

I very much appreciate the efforts of people who help us spread this important “word”!



Appendix D: Resources

Here are some additional resources within my sphere of influence that might interest you:

Main Website

Main Blog

Main Email List



The Red Pill

Private And Group Coaching

Introduction To My Other Teachings

iPhone, iPad, and Android Apps To Support You



Appendix E: Summary Of Bonus Links

In the preceding pages of the book, I noted several websites where you can access bonus materials designed to augment your Experience of this book.

Here’s a summary of those links and what they’ll give you:

Video Examples Of The Mind Machine In Action

War Games Video Clip

Collectors, Doers, and Transformers Blog Post

Video Of A Building Being Demolished By Explosive Charges

A Detailed Explanation Of The Red Pill

Share Your Story With Robert

Download “The Big Why” Document